SAVE Council and CCaSS team launch Sustainabits

SGV’s Sustainable Actions for Value Creation and Enablement (SAVE) Council launched its first Sustainabits session, titled Introduction to Sustainability, for SGV Partners and staff last 24 September 2021 spearheaded by the Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) Team.  Sustainabits is a monthly session that covers various sustainability topics and their impact on our lives.



Sustainabits Session #1: Introduction to Sustainability


CCaSS Manager Joanna Benin formally opened the first session of the monthly activity by greeting over 800 attendees who discovered how their daily life choices can engage the business sector to become a part of the climate change solution. This was followed by a short introductory message about the importance of sustainability delivered by SAVE Council Chair, Clairma Mangangey (CTM).  The speakers for the session were CCaSS Senior Associates Paula Cecilia Camille Rodriguez and Joanna Teresa Miranda.


The event covered the meaning of sustainability; the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and their significance; common sustainability issues that affect society and the environment; and practical examples of how sustainability can be applied to one’s daily life.


Closing off the first session, CTM and CCaSS Partner Benjamin Villacorte (BNV) invited the participants to join the next Sustainabits session and watch out for the first WebCCaSS, which is SGV’s quarterly one-hour webcast that will cover concepts, trends, regulations and industry practices around sustainability and climate change.

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