The SGV Talent Team celebrated Christmas with the theme “The 2000s with a sustainable twist.” Members of the Talent team participated in various activities anchored on sustainability principles during their Christmas party on 16 December 2022.

Talent team group photo

Alvin and Julie with some of the Talent team members during the Christmas Decor judging
Members of the Talent Function teams cleaned the Talent floor areas for their spring-cleaning activity. They also participated in a Christmas decorating activity where recyclable and reusable items from the office and their homes were used as Christmas decorations, an exchange gift activity where members exchanged pre-loved personal items that they think will be useful to their intended recipients, and the Best Costume Awards for members who came in their best 2000s outfit without buying new clothes. There were games and raffles during the party as well.

Julie, Clairma, and Martin

Julie, Clairma, and Alvin
Talent Leader Julie O. Mateo (JOM) and Business Services Group Leader Alvin M. Pinpin (AMP) were judges for the Christmas decorating activity. They also gave their respective messages along with Learning and Development Leader Clairma T. Mangangey (CTM) and Assurance Leader Martin C. Guantes (MCG).